NafilmyJak to dělaj kluci > Tvůrci

Tvůrci: Jak to dělaj kluci (2003)

Lawrence  Gay Lawrence Gay

Christopher  Wiehl Christopher Wiehl Jay
Lisa  Brenner Lisa Brenner Reese
Alex  Nesic Alex Nesic Dewey
Duane  Martin Duane Martin Phil
Michael  Trucco Michael Trucco Scott
Jennifer  Gareis Jennifer Gareis Brooke
Christie Lynn Smith Christie Lynn Smith Susie Downey
Michele  Kelly Michele Kelly Melodie
Magali  Amadei Magali Amadei Tanya
Charisma  Carpenter Charisma Carpenter Kim
Patrick  Lyster Patrick Lyster Mr. Shatwell
Sandra  Ferreira Sandra Ferreira Aunt Eppin
Chantelle  Gouws Chantelle Gouws Ann
Marilyn Sue Perry Marilyn Sue Perry Tanisha
Nicky  Greenwall Nicky Greenwall Carty
Mark  Bayly Mark Bayly Minister
Matt  Roe Matt Roe Father
Victoria  Bartlett Victoria Bartlett Mother
Nicholas  Andrews Nicholas Andrews Little Boy
Royston  Stoffels Royston Stoffels Piercing Guy
Michael  Copley Michael Copley Dr. Devereaux
Shane  Wellington Shane Wellington Valet
Gabriella  Harding Gabriella Harding Stripper
Donal  Slemon Donal Slemon Man in Church
Claire  Hills Claire Hills Soccer Girl #1
Robin  Grimbeeck Robin Grimbeeck Soccer Girl #2
Victoria  Maritz Victoria Maritz Chirpy Girl #1
June  Chong June Chong Chirpy Girl #2

Lawrence  Gay Lawrence Gay (napsal)

Lawrence  Gay Lawrence Gay (výkonný producent)
Marlow De Mardt Marlow De Mardt (co-producent)
Neal  Nordlinger Neal Nordlinger (producent)
Brigid  Olen Brigid Olen (co-producent)
Arrien  Schiltkamp Arrien Schiltkamp (výkonný producent)
Robin  Schiltkamp Robin Schiltkamp (výkonný producent)

Michael  Brierley Michael Brierley

Howard  Drossin Howard Drossin

Samuel  Craven Samuel Craven

Zack  Grobler Zack Grobler

Fran  Shenker Fran Shenker

Jane  Jenkins Jane Jenkins
Janet  Hirshenson Janet Hirshenson

Isabella  Acerbi Isabella Acerbi (assistant hair stylist)
Kevin  Epstein Kevin Epstein (kadeřnice)
Gayle  Sheperd Gayle Sheperd (maskér)
Rochelle  Sissing Rochelle Sissing (assistant hair stylist)
Jade  Snell Jade Snell (assistant makeup artist)
Nicolette Van Wyk Nicolette Van Wyk (assistant hair stylist)

Jeanne  Henn Jeanne Henn

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Jak to dělaj kluci