NafilmyJak vycvičit draka 2 > Tvůrci

Tvůrci: Jak vycvičit draka 2 (2014)

Dean  DeBlois Dean DeBlois

Jay  Baruchel Jay Baruchel Hiccup (hlas)
Cate  Blanchett Cate Blanchett Valka (hlas)
Gerard  Butler Gerard Butler Stoick (hlas)
Craig  Ferguson Craig Ferguson Gobber (hlas)
America  Ferrera America Ferrera Astrid (hlas)
Jonah  Hill Jonah Hill Snotlout (hlas)
Christopher  Mintz-Plasse Christopher Mintz-Plasse Fishlegs (hlas)
T.J.  Miller T.J. Miller Tuffnut (hlas)
Kristen  Wiig Kristen Wiig Ruffnut (hlas)
Djimon  Hounsou Djimon Hounsou Drago (hlas)
Kit  Harington Kit Harington Eret (hlas)
Kieron  Elliott Kieron Elliott Hoark the Haggard (hlas)
Philip  McGrade Philip McGrade Starkard (hlas)
Andrew  Ableson Andrew Ableson Ug (hlas)
Gideon  Emery Gideon Emery Teeny (hlas)
Simon  Kassianides Simon Kassianides No-Name (hlas)
Randy  Thom Randy Thom Toothless (hlas)
Derek  Blankenship Derek Blankenship Jacob (hlas ,neoficiálně)

Dean  DeBlois Dean DeBlois (napsal)
Cressida  Cowell Cressida Cowell (knižní série How to Train Your Dragon)

Michael A. Connolly Michael A. Connolly (co-producent)
Doug  Davison Doug Davison (co-producent)
Roy  Lee Roy Lee (co-producent)
Dean  DeBlois Dean DeBlois (výkonný producent)
Chris  Sanders Chris Sanders (výkonný producent)
Aaron  Dem Aaron Dem (vedoucí produkce)
Kendra  Haaland Kendra Haaland (co-producent)
Bonnie  Arnold Bonnie Arnold (producent)

John  Powell John Powell

John K. Carr John K. Carr

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Jak vycvičit draka 2