NafilmyNikdy jsem nezpíval svému otci > Tvůrci

Tvůrci: Nikdy jsem nezpíval svému otci (1970)

Gilbert  Cates Gilbert Cates

Melvyn  Douglas Melvyn Douglas Tom Garrison
Gene  Hackman Gene Hackman Gene Garrison
Dorothy  Stickney Dorothy Stickney Margaret Garrison
Estelle  Parsons Estelle Parsons Alice
Elizabeth  Hubbard Elizabeth Hubbard Peggy
Lovelady  Powell Lovelady Powell Norma
Daniel  Keyes Daniel Keyes Dr. Mayberry
Conrad  Bain Conrad Bain Rev. Pell
Jon  Richards Jon Richards Marvin Scott
Nikki  Counselman Nikki Counselman Waitress
Carol  Peterson Carol Peterson 1st Nurse
Sloane  Shelton Sloane Shelton 2nd Nurse
James  Karen James Karen Old Age Home Director
Gene  Williams Gene Williams State Hospital Director
Jean  Dexter Jean Dexter Hostess (neoficiálně)
Valerie  Ogden Valerie Ogden Nurse #3 (neoficiálně)
Beverly  Penberthy Beverly Penberthy Special nurse (neoficiálně)

Robert  Anderson Robert Anderson (napsal I Never Sang For My Father, podle I Never Sang For My Father)

Gilbert  Cates Gilbert Cates (producent)

Morris  Hartzband Morris Hartzband (director of photography)
George  Stoetzel George Stoetzel (director of photography)

Al  Gorgoni Al Gorgoni
Barry  Mann Barry Mann

Angelo  Ross Angelo Ross

Theoni V. Aldredge Theoni V. Aldredge (kostýmy)

Umělecký vedoucí
Hank  Aldrich Hank Aldrich

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Nikdy jsem nezpíval svému otci