Nafilmy > Me and Earl and the Dying Girl

Me and Earl and the Dying Girl (2015)

usa.png Me and Earl and the Dying Girl

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105 min
2 výhry a 2 nominace více »
$8 000 000 více »
Země původu:


Thomas  Mann Thomas Mann Greg
Olivia  Cooke Olivia Cooke Rachel
Connie  Britton Connie Britton Greg's Mom
Jon  Bernthal Jon Bernthal Mr. McCarthy
Matt  Bennett Matt Bennett Scott Mayhew
Bobb'e J. Thompson Bobb'e J. Thompson Derrick
RJ  Cyler RJ Cyler Earl
Nick  Offerman Nick Offerman Greg's Dad
Molly  Shannon Molly Shannon Denise
Katherine  Hughes Katherine Hughes Madison
Masam  Holden Masam Holden Ill Phil
Gavin  Dietz Gavin Dietz Young Greg
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Jesse Andrews (kniha, scénář)
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Me and Earl and the Dying Girl