NafilmyKilling Them Softly > Tvůrci

Tvůrci: Killing Them Softly (2012)

Andrew  Dominik Andrew Dominik

Brad  Pitt Brad Pitt Jackie Cogan
Scoot  McNairy Scoot McNairy
Ben  Mendelsohn Ben Mendelsohn
James  Gandolfini James Gandolfini
Vincent  Curatola Vincent Curatola
Richard  Jenkins Richard Jenkins
Ray  Liotta Ray Liotta
Trevor  Long Trevor Long
Max  Casella Max Casella
Sam  Shepard Sam Shepard
  Slaine Slaine
Christopher  Berry Christopher Berry Taxi Cab Agent
Ross  Brodar Ross Brodar Mouthy poker player
Joe  Chrest Joe Chrest Business Suit Agent #2
Garret  Dillahunt Garret Dillahunt Eddie Mattie
Mustafa  Harris Mustafa Harris Bartender
Mark  Tubre Jr. Mark Tubre Jr. Thug in parking lot
John C. Klein John C. Klein Traveler
Shadoe  Knight Shadoe Knight Mafia Poker Player
Raymond  Lapino Raymond Lapino Elderly Poker Player
Cynthia  LeBlanc Cynthia LeBlanc AMTRAK/Greyhound Bus patron
Elton  LeBlanc Elton LeBlanc AMTRAK/Greyhound Bus patron
David Joseph Martinez David Joseph Martinez Pablo
Linara  Washington Linara Washington LuLu
Julia  Adams Julia Adams Maid (neoficiálně)
Rhonda Floyd Aguillard Rhonda Floyd Aguillard Pedestrian (neoficiálně)
Shannon  Brewer Shannon Brewer Bar Patron #2 role #33 (neoficiálně)
Edward J. Clare Edward J. Clare Prison Doctor (neoficiálně)
Gregory Allen Gabroy Gregory Allen Gabroy Reveler (neoficiálně)
Joshua Joseph Gillum Joshua Joseph Gillum Murderer (neoficiálně)
Gene Kevin Hames Jr. Gene Kevin Hames Jr. Poker Dealer #1 (neoficiálně)
Kirk  Jordan Kirk Jordan DEA Agent (neoficiálně)
Adam  Sibley Adam Sibley Naked Guy (neoficiálně)
Logan Douglas Smith Logan Douglas Smith Bus Station Constrution Worker (neoficiálně)
Daniel  Vincent Daniel Vincent Evicted Husband (neoficiálně)
Glen  Warner Glen Warner Construction Worker (neoficiálně)
Elvin  Yoshida Elvin Yoshida Asian Poker Player (neoficiálně)

Andrew  Dominik Andrew Dominik (scénář)
George V. Higgins George V. Higgins (kniha Cogan's Trade)

Scott Andrew Robertson Scott Andrew Robertson (vedoucí produkce)
Douglas  Saylor Jr. Douglas Saylor Jr. (co-producent)
Adi  Shankar Adi Shankar (výkonný producent)
Spencer  Silna Spencer Silna (výkonný producent)
Megan  Ellison Megan Ellison (výkonný producent)
Matthew  Budman Matthew Budman (co-producent)
Will  French Will French (co-producent)
Stephen  Roberts Stephen Roberts (co-producent)
Anthony  Katagas Anthony Katagas (výkonný producent)
Roger  Schwartz Roger Schwartz (co-producent)
Marc  Butan Marc Butan (výkonný producent)
Dede  Gardner Dede Gardner (producent)
Jim  Seibel Jim Seibel (výkonný producent)
Bill  Johnson Bill Johnson (výkonný producent)
Paula Mae Schwartz Paula Mae Schwartz (producent)
Steve  Schwartz Steve Schwartz (producent)
Brad  Pitt Brad Pitt (producent)

Greig  Fraser Greig Fraser

John Paul Horstmann John Paul Horstmann (co-editor)
Brian A. Kates Brian A. Kates

Francine  Maisler Francine Maisler

Adruitha  Lee Adruitha Lee (department head hair)
Kazuhiro  Tsuji Kazuhiro Tsuji (makeup concept designer Brad Pitt)
Robin Myriah Hatcher Robin Myriah Hatcher (special makeup effects production coordinator Tinsley Studio)
Hiroshi  Yada Hiroshi Yada (návrhář - speciální makeup Tinsley Studio)
Kent  Richard Kent Richard (additional hair)
Aimee  Stuit Aimee Stuit (key makeup artist)
Erin  Dell'amore Erin Dell'amore (lifecast assistant to Kazuhiro Tsuji)
Chad  Engel Chad Engel (lab assistant)
Mike  Mekash Mike Mekash (návrhář - speciální makeup)
Dennis  Liddiard Dennis Liddiard (makeup department head)
Christien  Tinsley Christien Tinsley (special makeup effects designer and creator)

Leslie  Morales Leslie Morales

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Killing Them Softly